Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Infant Kiss

The Infant Kiss

N. D. Bray
7 pages
Warnings: Graphic violence, strong language

   This is a short story based around Cal, who wakes up in an attic and begins losing body parts, beginning with his eye.

Writing Style: 6/10

   For the most part, I liked the style. There was a distinct lack of description that I was really hoping to see though, giving it an get higher.

Plot: 7/10

   Good. It all made sense. Unfortunately, in a story so short there's not much to be said.

Originality: 6/10

   This sort of feels like it had a Saw element to it. I've also seen a lot of these types of who captured me short stories, so I felt like I had to deduct a few points for that. There were some definite original aspects to it though and that really helped it.

Enjoyability- 8/10

   Despite it's faults, I really enjoyed this. If it had had a bit more description about the pain and terror that Cal would have been experiencing, then it would have gotten a full score.

End- 8/10

   A solid end that I wouldn't have expected, even had I known of the character's existance. It won't be a let down when you get there, especially with a story this short.

Overall- 35

   If your a fan of the Saw movies like myself, I'd highly recommend it, but if you're squeamish, pass on it. Although it lacks a lot of description, there's enough to make cringe and squirm if you aren't a fan of the torture horror.

You can get The Infant Kiss on Amazon.


  1. Your descriptions of the book really makes me want to read it (which is obviously the point) haha, but I feel like you gave enough to keep someone interested in reading but you give enough warning if this type of genre is not for the reader. It is a good balance and you pull it off well.

  2. I really like your concise, to-the-point writing style. It's brief, but informational and effective. Perfect for the format you've chosen. The rating system is really effective too, especially as you build a repertoire with your blog readers. How many points is the "overall" score out of?

  3. I'm not much of an e-book reader (I have a kindle but rarely if ever use it) but I love reading so I can connect with your posts in that way, maybe one day I'll dust off my kindle and check out some of the works you've written about. I like how you rate the book based on different categories. Your writing style is great you give enough details of the books to make someone want to read it, but don't give too much information out. The only thing I can suggest is maybe listing other the books the author has written if they have.

  4. I like your very clear cut assessment of the book. Your description definitely left me wanting more. The summary could maybe be a line longer just to get the full picture. The rating system is really nice but what is the score out? Overall good work I wish I had a Kindle so I could read these

  5. First off, I really enjoyed reading this. I consider myself an avid reader, but I don't get into bodies of longer work as often as I would like to. A great writer must read a lot, so I obviously respect your love for reading and it's very relative to me.

    I could recommend that you provide some more in-depth analysis of the book, but I like that your critique is clear and straight to the point.

  6. I don't read that much because I am always so busy or whenever I would start a book I would eventually get bored with it. I think your blog will help people get a better overview at some books without having to read it and be dissapointed. Your critiques are very well organized and have a good flow to them. Something I, personally would have liked to read more of is maybe add more of your personality into your post. Maybe how a certain part of the book relates to you or just a deep opinion you had on something in the book and explain why so we can get an insight on who it is critiquing the book. Other than that, I think your blog is a great idea and could really help people when choosing books. Keep up the good work.

  7. Like I have told you before, I really enjoy the way you map out your blog post with the categories! You know you stuff, which makes me enjoy reading it that much more. I know the book was only seven pages, maybe you could insert a tad more information in the summary though.

  8. I like that you keep your blog consistent with the categories and ratings.
    I also like at the very end that you gave an overall description about the book.
    Is there a way to access these books if you don't own an e-reader?
    Theres not much of an invitation for comments, but with your style of blog I don't see how that could be incorporated. Keep it up! You're doing great!

  9. I used to be a bookworm, and whenever I find the time I have full intentions to continue reading for fun. It's great that this blog talks about short stories, because I feel like I'm mentally checking off books to read in the future. I feel like a lot of people can connect because, even if you don't like reading, you're discussing short stories, not novels hundreds of pages long. Some things to consider: it might be worth adding a genre to the subjects you discuss, and make sure to proofread a bit - usually there isn't any real problems with what you post, but this time I was a little confused by the last sentence under "Writing Style." Besides that, keep the books coming! I look forward to reading a few of these myself!

  10. Devon, I like how you rate the short stories on a ten scale and in the various categories. I am rather happy that you don't go to far on analysis of the short story and instead look at the affective influence to you personally. I like how you give enough information for me to decide whether to read the story, yet you don't over work the summary. I like the blog as is!

  11. Hi Devon
    I'm the author of The Infant Kiss and I wanted to thank you for reading - and reviewing my work. This was the first story I self-published and, really, it was just to test the waters and see what happened.
    I also agree with your assessment and I will soon (hopefully) be rewriting this short story with more description and to correct a few errors.
    Once again, thanks for taking the time to read and review my work - and I hope you enjoy anything else of mine you read.

  12. Oh, I've bookmarked your page too as I think you have a very good review style. Also, I'd love to read reviews of anything else you've read of mine. I LOVE feedback! LOL!
