Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beautiful Demons

Beautiful Demons


Sarra Cannon
136 Pages
Warnings: Death, violence

 After getting kicked out of her latest foster home, Harper Madison is sent to Shadowford Home for Girls in Peachville, Georgia, her last chance before getting sent to juvenile detention. She wants to start fresh, she just has to make sure that she doesn't lose her temper, as things tend to start flying around the room, against her will. Everything is going fine until the head cheerleader, Tori, is murdered and she becomes the main suspect.

Writing Style: 10/10

I didn't see any errors and the characters were well fleshed out. There were a few characters that were just sort of introduced and not heard from much afterwards, but there were reasons for it that made the story that much more intriguing, especially seeing as there are sequels that they may play a bigger role in.

Plot: 9/10

A murder mystery always seems to be a good time. Mix that with the supernatural elements and you've got a recipe for a good story, if you manage to pull it off. Sarra Cannon did just that, giving me a plot that I wanted to know more and more about.

Originality: 8/10

There seemed to be a few things that I've noticed happen a lot in this type of story that docked a few points. First, there is a mystery about the parents. Harper was adopted when she was young and doesn't know who they are or if her ability comes from them. Second, she cannot control her ability and it keeps getting her into trouble. Third, there is something that happens that she has to find out the answer to. The formula mirrors the first Harry Potter book to me, but it was pulled off completely differently and some of the fleshing out between it was very original.

Enjoyability: 10/10

I couldn't put this down. It's not a very long read, but I had some other things that I probably should have been doing that got put to the way side in order to finish this book.

End: 9/10

The main point of the book is all wrapped up in a nice, neat ending. There are still questions that are about the series as a whole that need answered, but you could just end after reading this book and be content. It also wasn't too cliched and had some nice twists to it.

Overall: 46/50

You can get Beautiful Demons at Barnes and NobleAmazon, I-tunes, Smashwords, and Kobo.
Visit Sarra Cannon's website.

Has anyone else read Beautiful Demons or some other good self published book? Is there some book that I haven't gotten to that you think would warrant a review? Let me know in the comments.


  1. Hey Devon, awesome review! It's good to see someone else chugging along with their blog. Do you ever think you'd maybe cross over and due books that aren't only in e-reader format? Or maybe do both? Keep up the good work!

    1. I might do it if I someone had some self-published books that they wanted me to review. Maybe switch it up once a month. I just don't know of anything like that. I was happy to see that I wasn't the only one continuing my blog too. I think everyone else has given up.
