Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Panamanian Stompers


Jake F. Simons

Horror, humor

25 pages


Warnings: Language

Fernie Deacon is a low-life who earns his living by shady means. While waiting for an friend for his newest job, he talks to a bar mentally handicapped barkeep and another bar patron about Panamanian Stompers, a fish that comes up on land and kills people on the shore not far from where they are, especially on rainy nights like the one that they're currently experiencing.

Writing Style: 6/10

Fernie is skeezy and it definitely shines through really well and I give the author props on that, but this isn't a style I generally like. That being said, many people do like it. It's just never been anything I've been interested in.

Plot: 8/10

The plot was amusing. It wasn't confusing and it was very straight forward. Fernie was just attempting to pass the time until he could go and hold up some gangbangers and get his money. Terrorizing a poor mentally handicapped barkeep was just something that he thought would be fun to do. When it ceased to be that, he leaves and does what he needs to do to finish up the story and bring it full circle.

Originality: 5/10

This is story similar to what many have heard with snipes or jackalopes when parents or older siblings want a young child out of the way or the scary creature in the dangerous area to keep kids away. It also followed a very predictable path to the climax there were no huge surprises.

Enjoyability- 3/10

For me, the enjoyability on this was very low. I knew where the story was going from the beginning and I didn't like the writing style, so I didn't really enjoy the story much. There was a highlight or two though, making it a little better.

End- 6/10

Although predictable, the end was amusing to me. I was holding out hope for something a little different, but justice was served and that was what mattered most in this story.

Overall- 28/50

Get the book for the Kindle.

Visit Jake F. Simons' website. Note: Simons is a pseudonym to distinguish between his all ages works and his adult works.

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