Wednesday, May 22, 2013



Aimee Ash

Supernatural, Romance

238 pages


Warnings: Mentions of sex and sexual activity, non-graphic

Kate, a girl who has been forced to move around her entire life, ends up in Long Beach right before starting her freshman year of college. She's hoping to finally settle in and make some friends when she meets a mysterious neighbor, who seems to be avoiding her. When she finally catches up to him, she finds out that his name is Jack and the weird things that have started happening to her are related to him and a curse, one that she is now completely caught up in.

Writing Style: 7/10

There were a few spelling/grammar errors, but nothing major. The biggest problem is that I keep hearing how independent and strong that Kate is supposed to be, but she seems to be very reliant on Jack and his family. In the beginning I could see this trait, but as the story progresses she seems to lose a lot of what I think originally made her a good character. Jack also seems to be a very different character in the beginning, but begins becoming a jerk. Some of this can be written off by his twin brother coming back into the picture, but the rest is very much just Jack being problematic.

Plot: 6/10

The main plot of the story was good, but it had too many side plots that really seemed to come out of nowhere or happen too fast, especially with Kate's family. For example, there is some talk about her brother having a drinking problem, but it's also said everyone pretty much ignores it until suddenly when they decide that something has to be done and it has to be done immediately, without any clear reason as to how it this course of action was decided. I also think that there may have been too many plot twists for the story. Instead I think some may have been able to be dropped in order to flesh out some other parts.

Originality: 9/10

This was a pretty original story. Jack's powers and curse are not your standard vampire or werewolf or anything like that and that was very refreshing and the powers weren't just your standard super strength and the like either. This made the story a much more interesting read.

Enjoyability: 7/10

Enigma reminded me a lot of Twilight, which isn't my favorite book series in the world, though I did read them all. That being said, I really think fans of that series will like Enigma. I also had some issue reading it due to the side stories and plot twists.

End: 7/10

The end was pretty much as expected. It wasn't a crazy twist, but it also wasn't disappointing. I feel like it was a safe ending, but a good one.

Overall: 36/50

Enigma is available from  Amazon, Smash Words and I-tunes.
Visit Aimee Ash's website.
Does anyone else have an opinion? Let me know!
Also, sorry for the delay in posting. There were some technical difficulties.

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